Wonderful Film!
8 October 2006
I saw this film last night at the L.A. Latino International Film Festival. It was wonderful, beautifully created. I highly recommend this film to all. The film takes you across 3 countries, U.S., Mexico and Brazil. It is about fate and destiny and finding your identity. A young Brazillian girl does just that when she meets a Mexican wandering, lonely journalist outside a Tijuana night club. At first I wondered what the two can have in common and why they met. However, as the story unfolds one begins to see how fate has indeed brought them together. The movie is sensual, as the beautiful Alice Braga is captivating and real. The movie also touches on some Latin stereotypes which I found to be very cute and funny, as did the rest of the audience. The beginning of the film is carefree and free-spirited as the leading lady is and yet towards the end it begins to evolve into something deeper and complex. As an added plus, the movie has some great music. Julietta Venegas and Oto. For those who like their music like I do you will really enjoy this. If you have never heard of them, trust me it was chosen very well for this film and I know you will like it. So bottom line I give this movie a 10! I recommend it to everyone. If you are just looking for a feel good movie that is all fluff, well this isn't for you (sch as the lady who commented above) But if you would like an interesting movie that is real and thought provoking then you will like this a lot. Oh, and about the religious part. What they did reveal, about it was just enough. I don't think the Director would have had to gone into great detail in explaining the belief system, in fact I am glad he didn't or it would have taken the movie in another tangent. Everyone knows that we Latino's/Latina's have a foundation in faith and various religious beliefs, depending on one's country of origin. It was weaved in perfectly throughout the end of the movie. Can't wait to buy my copy of this movie!!!
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