Birds of Prey (1973 TV Movie)
Great !!
8 October 2006
I'll add to the many comments here on this movie. It came at the tail-end of the "t.v. movie" phenomenon of the late 60's and early 70's which along with several other films from this period, elevated television from the droll tired formulas of the past to exciting "theatrical quality" (at least by early 70's standards!) films which featured intelligent scripting and veteran actors who were mostly underrated even when they weren't 'veteran'. David Janssen never escaped his "fugitive" typecasting but "Birds of Prey" was the finest film he made. To my buddy and I from those days this was the most incredible and exciting film on a small screen with the sudden interest in Heli's or "choppers" as they came to be called was directly the result of films like this one. Everybody was watching all those 'bitchin' assault helicopters from the Vietnam war era on the 6 o'clock news and this movie came at the end of the Vietnam conflict and is a period piece for that with a 'bad guy' who is an ex-Vietnam chopper pilot assisting in a robbery with a spectacular escape (for those days).

As someone mentioned the score was 'replaced' from the swing-era big band stuff Harry listens to which is like the music running through his mind as he pursues these guys r e l e n t l e s s l y. It is integral to the story and somebody should have tried to get the music cleared for re-use in this classic movie. This happens all to often nowadays with these types of films from this era.

The remake of this film is crap---it does not capture the flavor of the original. If this story intrigues you, check out this one which had incredible chopper stunts for those days and even today in some scenes.

My buddy and I would watch this movie anytime they showed it--day or night. Then it sadly disappeared from syndication about 15 years ago.

To all the 'youngins' out there it might seem like a bit of a yawn in light of all those Hollywood spectaculars but this movie is widely studied by budding film students for it's pacing and stunt work. It makes an old doddering grey-beard like myself forget his physical infirmities and remember the excitement of the post-nam era.

This movie is a nostalgia trip for me but my wife is non-plussed. It's not a "chick-flick" then or now!

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