I loved this one as a kid, and still do...
16 October 2006
This 1950's B-flick falls under the "it's so bad that it's good" movie category.

I watched this picture numerous times as a kid on t.v. and hadn't seen it in years when I lucked out and caught it on American Movie Classics a few years back.

Time had not changed the cheesiness of the plot, or the terrible acting by most of the lead actors, but who cares? This movie was made in the 1950's, when cheesy horror and sci-fi movies were all the rage.

The plot revolves around a psychic young woman, Jessica, (portrayed by Carolyn Kearney, who wildly over acts in every scene she's in) who discovers an ancient chest buried on her Aunt's ranch. The chest contains the severed head of Gideon Drew (Robin Hughes), who was put to death several centuries earlier for satanism. Drew wants his head to be reunited with his body, and hey, who can blame him? There are several hilarious scenes of Drew's head being carried all over the ranch by the ranch's imbecile ranch hand Mike, as well as the head being hid in a hat box, etc. Can you stand it? They just don't make movies like this anymore.

I love everything about this movie, from start to finish! It's not scary, just fun.
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