Review of Barnyard

Barnyard (2006)
Lame Duck in and Even Lamer Farmyard
23 October 2006
Oh dear, why are we persecuted with muck like this? Who read the script and actually said go ahead with this? The mind truly boggles.

Set on a farm where the animals walk and talk like humans as soon as the farmer is not looking, this is a tale which completely rips off "The Lion King" except for the following few details: (1) The lions are now replaced by cattle (2) The hyenas are now coyotes (3) "The Lion King" was a triumph of a movie in both visual and aural flair and it told a story well, while Barnyward is stinker of a movie with no innovations an tells and old story badly.

I basically ended up seeing this because it fitted into my timetable for that day rather than out of any great need/want to see it. Looking at the poster, with male cattle oddly having female udders, one's thoughts dreamed of some Gary Larson type humour but would have settled for less. It was upsetting to find out first hand how much less was actually here to laugh at. Indeed the funniest moments were Larson-esquire in their vein in that they occurred during moments of interaction or close encounters with humans. However those scenes cover about 2 minutes of the movie and the rest is just one boring, empty scene after another. Even the kids in the cinema seemed uninterested.

I cannot emphasise enough how much you should stay away from this. Beg, steal, buy or copy "The Lion King" and watch it rather than stooping to watching this. Even drawing your own version of the Lion King on your carpet using embers from your fire and watching your home burn down around you would be more entertaining than sitting through "Barnyard".
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