Review of Manhunter

Manhunter (1986)
An okay movie that means well but dies of overstylization
23 October 2006
The raw materials of a damn good film are here, but Mann's typically awful (and I mean hideous) musical choices (at least for his 80s movies) are on full display in Manhunter, and the first bit of remedy would be to chuck every song and piece of music, bar none, and either (1) don't feature any music or (2) bring on the musical subtlety (not Mann's strongest point). Then I would shake the actress playing the protagonist's wife, an entirely unbelievable and utterly annoying Hollywood-style wife, and jettison her, rewrite the part and make that character way marginal. Lastly, I'd give in to the story and shed the endless reams of style that are - yes - taking up the story's space, to quite annoying effect. All of these remedies would help make the movie less about Michael Mann and his direction and more about the story that direction is supposed to be...well, directing, you know? And I guess that's problem #1 with Manhunter: it's more about the director than about the unfolding supposed-to-be- engrossing story itself.

What's amazing is that Hannibal Lecter doesn't scare in the slightest, and suspense just isn't happening here. Even revulsion isn't happening, and it should be present in bucketfuls. There just isn't any hit to the gut that the movie's working (supposedly) to give you. Very disappointing.

I just wish I hadn't bought it. Oh well.
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