How Many Clichés Can Fit into the Last Five Minutes? *SPOILERS*
4 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I kept hoping this movie would get better, but it only got worse. Although the acting is okay, the script is stupid, manipulative, unbelievable, and clichéd. I just shook my head in disgust at the climax. I've seen the same climax a hundred times, maybe a thousand. The good guy and bad guy struggle on the ground. Then there's the cliché of a knife just beyond the reach of their fingers. One of them gets the knife. They continue struggling with the knife between them out of sight. Then we get the cliché of wondering who got killed. One man gets stabbed and the two men roll apart, each acting like he could be the dead one. Then we get the cliché of the bad guy who we thought was dead coming back to life and attacking again. Then he's on top of the lady strangling her. He decides to kill her with the knife instead. Then we get one of the most-used clichés ever. As the killer brings the knife down to kill the lady we hear a gun shot at the last possible instant and the killer falls over dead. The good guy had crawled and gotten the gun, and of course shot it with perfect aim at the last possible moment. Of course there were lots of other clichés leading up to the final flurry -- the killer disabling the car in the driveway, the killer cutting the phone line, the killer hiding in the house. What a waste of a couple of hours.
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