Yeah, it was pretty "corny" :-P
4 November 2006
I was at the video store and while I swore off seeing any more of the Children of the Corn sequels, I have to admit that I was intrigued when I saw the cover of Children of the Corn: Revelation, it looked like an actual scary movie. Who knew? It might've been, right? I think somewhere on it's own, it might have been a good horror flick, but it got to be too cheesy and the lines were just silly and predictable.

A girl, Jamie, is looking for her grandmother, since she hasn't returned her phone calls and has moved into a condemned building. But when she bumps into two creepy looking kids, she begins to wonder what's going on. She goes to the police, but they tell her to wait a day to make sure her grandmother isn't just out, she does so, but ends up finding out more with a certain cult and it's mysterious murders going on in the building she's living in.

It was very predictable and incredibly corny, if it didn't have the Children of the Corn title, it could've worked a little better, because the cornstalks were just a little too tacky. But I think some horror fans might get a certain kick out of it, or not, judging by the rating of this film, I think everyone else agrees with me.

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