Only Human (2004)
A Date Film for Charles Barkley's Daughter??
4 November 2006
Perhaps as good as a comedy can be for a love story about a Palestinian man and a Jewish women filmed in Madrid? I think the elements here are broad enough that this could play like the highlights of a year's worth of sitcoms to those who won't flinch at subtitles.

While I think the film was genuinely funny, in a madcap kind of way...where I think this film succeeds best is that when we first meet our potential in-laws, we can feel akin to a Palestinian with Jews, or vice-versa.

Something about the male lead too, his expressiveness and timing just screamed of haplessness. The women are desperate but strong, the religious zealotry of the son is well-played for laughs. The film dodges all potential bullets, and consistently hit its target squarely on the funnybone.

Or course I come to the film a charismatic agnostic, so I'm pretty immune to any incidental offense. But really the husband/wife team of Dominic Harari and Teresa Pelegri did a great job of walking a line while keeping an edge.

But remember this is a screwball comedy, not a peace plan. Just enjoy it, barbed humor is more preferable than barbed wire any day.

7/10 (hell I'd give it a 7.5)

Is the title a Spanish idiom? More than you are loved, or you are dears?? And more importantly, why was the US version 8 minutes shorter, I hope we were not deprived of more Maria Botto bellydancing. Sorry to blow any chance of being the sensitive male yet again, but she looked deliciosa. I too am only human...
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