La Vie Rêvée Des Anges
14 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
'La Vie Rêvée Des Anges' set in Lille, France, is in essence a film depicting the beginning and ending of a friendship. We are first introduced to one of the two main characters as a homeless, young girl who has come to Lille, looking for a friend. Hearing that the friend has left Lille, she has no choice but to survive on the street. She is fortunate to find a job at a sewing factory, where she meets Marie (the second main character). This friendship, albeit rather reluctant at first on the part of Marie is the basis for the storyline of the film.

As the film progresses we see that it is not Marie who is the stronger person, and the sensible decision maker, but in fact it is Isa, the girl who goes from job to job with a very care-free attitude to life. Isa proves to be realistic, perspicacious and anxious to open Marie's eyes to her self-destruction and in a way opens the audience's eyes. Marie's poor decision of not being able to refuse the man to whom she is attracted, eventually leads to a calamitous relationship where Chriss uses her and this in turn leads to the outcome of the film and the breaking of the friendship between Isa and Marie.

The director purposefully uses hand-held cameras, natural lighting, real and natural sets and few sound effects and music (the only music track is in the last couple of minutes) to create the film's intended atmosphere. In a way this dogma-style film-making could be a way to emphasise the freedom in the lives of the two main characters. Together, Isa and Marie enjoy not conforming to the everyday roles of society. The natural way by which the characters live their lives is conveyed to the audience through the use of natural techniques in the filming itself. And perhaps the only music track to appear in the film, is a way of creating a dream- like (giving the film its title) atmosphere at the end of the film, in contrary to the natural techniques of filming which have been up to this point. The death of Marie could possible be a way of showing us the strength in Isa, who is able to carry on her life and find another job, just as before, or in turn it could just be that there are only two choices in their lives – to conform (like Isa in the end) or not to conform to society (essentially like Marie).

Having said that, perhaps another intention of using this natural-like film technique is so that the director does not judge the lives of the two characters, but instead leaves it up to the audience to be the judge.

From the aggressive and homicidal nature of Marie's character, to the calm and untroubled life of Isa, these contrasts placed together in a film have a great chance of leaving an impact on the viewer, and all in all make it an good and engaging film to watch.
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