Review of Identity

Identity (2003)
Some People Never Get a Second Chance
15 November 2006
Do NOT read any reviews before seeing this movie. NONE. Every professional critic is adamant about not giving the plot away, and yet all do, in some way or another.

You are going to either love or hate this movie - there is no 'in between'. Yes, the clues are there from the beginning, as there must be in all movies of this genre, so you could possibly pick it up early on.

Some of the acting is superb. John Hawkes is a stand-out with many; he gets some fantastic lines. You may have seen Pruitt Taylor Vince in Murder One, where he plays more or less the same kind of part.

Direction can be magnificent at times. Timing and precise writing in other words. Don't be surprised if you feel the movie is playing tongue in cheek with the audience and the genre.

Should you go see it? My question exactly. I went because the g/f wanted to see a movie - any movie - and because the pickings have been so exceptionally (and dismally) slim for so long. Is it better than the average fare out right now? Perhaps. Is it a good movie, a great movie, a movie which will go to history as one that either moved you or set a precedent? No, I think not.

Again, once you find out what the BIG BAD SECRET is all about, you're going to either love the movie or hate it. That's not very encouraging - I know that. It is not Ten Little Indians; it is not The Usual Suspects; it is not a thriller, or a horror movie, and certainly not a mystery. It's a bit of all of these, and yet none at the same time.

Kudos to the director for finding a way to get to the meat of the story early on so as to not waste time on character and plot development. The Sartre book is a nice touch. For what purpose I do not know, but it's put in front of your face so deliberately, you almost have to laugh.
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