W.I.T.C.H. (2004–2006)
Great Show for Young Girls (and boys)
16 November 2006
I have to strongly disagree with some of the other reviews of this show. I am the father of three young girls and they all love W.I.T.C.H. The show revolves around five girls (the first letter of each of their names makes up the team name, W.I.T.C.H.) that have been selected as Guardiens of the Veil that protects Earth from a parallel universe (Meridian) and the evil (and some good) that resides there. Each girl has one power over the elements (Water, Earth, Wind, Fire) and additional powers they develop as the show goes on. The strength of this show is that it shows girls as powerful and capable. It also stresses teamwork and how to treat other people. Each character is developed to the point girls of many different backgrounds can relate to one of them. The character development is better than what you see in most movies nowadays! My girls even dressed up as W.I.T.C.H. this Halloween! There is some teenage "drama" (crushes, homework, parents, etc) in the script, but most of that blows right over my preteen girls. One character, Irma, has some great one-liners that usually only the parents get but they are hilarious (Q:"Why is it always so dark here on Meridian?" Irma's A:"It's time zones. Evil is five hours ahead of us!"). The girls parents have different jobs: Chinese Restaurant owner, Policeman, Judge, Divorced Mom-Executive, and one you never see but her parents are obviously very rich. There are a series of books and comic books that are based on the show and I read them to my girls...they love them. Boys will like the Rebels in the evil world who are fighting against the evil prince and his Henchmen. The rebel leader (also a teenager) has a sidekick that is kind of half-human, half-frog that never takes a bath and always smells...boys'll like him too. The animation is great, the music is catchy and the website can show you a lot more about the show. I love it. You will too!
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