Routine Movie Elevated By Superb Cast
17 November 2006
Joan Leslie is appealing as the tile character. Robert Hutton is likable is her fiancé and then husband. Complications develop when a buddy from the service turns up. The buddy happens to have been a WAAC. She is played by that beautiful, wily second-level star Dorothy Malone.

Janie's parents are the always appealing Edward Arnold and Ann Harding. I am no fan of Harding in her peak days: She was a pale, hand-wring women's-picture heroine in the 1930s. Her return in the forties was most auspicious. She and Arnold worked together in one of his excellent movies about the guide dog-using blind detective.

I'm not familiar with the actress who plays Hutton's mother, but she is good. No less than the great Robert Benchley plays his father.

Margaret Hamilton is also very funny as an inept yet dictatorial cleaning woman. And the versatile Donald Meek puts in an appearance as an out-of-towner who's interested in buying Janie's father's newspaper.

The plot veers toward silliness, with such grave issues as whose parents' draperies to hang in the couple's new apartment. But it's a nice study of young married life and a better cast could scarcely have been found.
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