Pola Negri Shines
28 November 2006
Interesting late silent film from Pola Negri filmed in UK and released in US as THE WOMAN HE SCORNED.....

Negri plays a prostitute in a cheap saloon in a coastal village.... A lighthouse keeper (Hans Rehmann) wanders in for a drink and is spotted as an easy mark by Negri and her pimp (Warwick Ward). But after a fight and drawn knives the lighthouse man walks off, leaving Negri on the bar-room floor. The pimp is dragged away.... She races after the hero and begs him to take her away.....

He leaves her in the village but a fast-rising storm swamps his boat as he returns to the lighthouse and as he is drowning promises that if he lives he'll protect the weak..... After their marriage, Negri must learn the most rudimentary household chores but eventually the two find peace with one another.

But the pimp returns and seeks shelter in their house. Negri hides him but he is seen leaving the cottage and the police descend.

The big finale is at the lighthouse. The pimp follows her as she runs to the husband to tell him what's happened and beg forgiveness. But as she's leaving the pimp jumps out and demands money. She tells him to take her boat and is handing him cash when the husband catches them.

There is an exciting battle on the edge of a cliff but the husband has time to turn to her and call her a whore and to be gone. The police arrive and they and the hero chase the pimp while Negri jumps in her boat and heads to open sea.

Very odd film, roughly shot and edited, and it contains synchronized sound effects (music, gulls, wind) and one section where Negri hums while ironing. But the opening in the saloon is exceptionally realistic and Negri, though never a favorite of mine, is very very good. She's tough as nails in the opening sequence, funny while attempting to cook breakfast, and touching when she removes the harsh makeup and dons a new scarf, and realizes that she is young and pretty and happy....

Certainly worth a look.....
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