Flight 29 Down (2005–2007)
This is BY FAR my favorite show!
4 December 2006
"Flight 29 Down" is an excellent family show. It's sort of a mixture of "Survior", "Lost", and "Gilligan's Island". This series focuses on seven of the eleven passengers of the crashed plane 29 DWN. It is about their trials and how they cope and survive until rescue comes; if it comes. I'm not that great at explaining how awesome this show is in a nut shell so this is a description from a webmaster named Gwen "This show focuses on 7 of the 10 teenage survivors of a plane crash. They're all from LA but not all of them are friends. Their plane lands on some island in the South Pacific. 3 of the teens and the pilot go off in the jungle to explore it leaving the other 7 to worry about setting up camp and finding enough food and water. They have a radio but it is a long time before they get any contact with anyone. Each episode takes place within 1 or half a day of them being on the island. Drama occurs between the castaways revealing their insecurities, crushes, egos, and social problems. Surviving becomes more than just finding enough food and shelter. They eventually become like a family, having to learn to live and work together." Also here is my own description of each of the main characters:

-Nathan: Nathan is Mr. Popular. Captain of the football and track team, he feels he can do no wrong being that he's an experienced Boy Scout. Having been the class president for the last few consecutive years, Nathan feels the need to take charge of the odd band of cast-aways, but not if his rival has anything to say about it! Nathan soon finds out that doing things for scout points and badges is completely different than real life.

-Daley: Daley's fiery spirit and true sense of organization and competition earned her the position of class president. But do those things really come in handy on a deserted island? Yes and no. she makes a big effort to keep the group all on the same page at the same time as keeping an eye on her little step-brother, Lex, but always seems to fail. With her tragic family background, she has learned how take care of herself and others. But the real question is, can she ever become close to someone again?

-Lex: What does E=MC squared REALLY mean? Just go ask Lex! He's a ten year old prodigy child. when he's not studying for exams in his high school classes or adding to his butterfly collection, Lex uses his time to make his older sister and the "other big kids" listen to him. Only when they're really in trouble do they turn to him, but Lex is always glad to help even though he's preoccupied with the same problem his sister has: making friends.

-Eric: He's a low life, evil, manipulative rat. But that's why we love him! Eric's attempts to charm his crush, Taylor, plans to avoid work at all costs, and well-placed sarcasm always add comic relief to any situation. Even when faced with life-threatening situations, Eric always comes up with a remark that will have the audience doubling over.

-Taylor: Taylor is the princess of the group. Like Eric, she will avoid work at any cost and is the definition of a "dumb blonde"... or so we think! could there really be a caring human being under all that pink? If so it will need a lot of coaxing, less snide remarks by the others, and one very special person. Then maybe, just maybe, she can change the status quo.

-Melissa: If you ever wondered what an optimist is, well, here you go. Mel is a fountain of encouragement and endless patience. She always tries her hardest to make the best of a situation in the form of a compliment, a hug, or maybe even a cupcake. Think she's the perfect "good girl" right? well she was, that is until Jackson came along. Can she keep her mouth shut or will it slip that she can't stop thinking about him.

-Jackson: Jackson is basically one big question mark. Or at least he is in the beginning. Can anybody reach him? He's only been at school a few months and got in on a specialty scholarship. There are rumors going around that he's been in a gang and maybe still is. But that's just the question, are they really rumors? Due to the fact that he keeps to himself, they may never know. Is there a super big brain behind those sapphire blue eyes or are the lights on and nobody's home. Your guess is as good as their's. But despite everyone's opinions of this mysterious guy, they might just have to huddle under his street smart wing if they are going to survive. (he's my favorite!)

If you like drama, romance, comedy, action, or any of these 7 fantastic actors, you'll love this show. So don't hesitate to try it. If you have any questions, just come to the board below and we'll be happy to answer. We don't bite, really! This is the best show I've seen in a long time and is perfect for kids, teenagers, and adults. I guarantee you won't be sorry you watched it!

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