12 December 2006
You know, this is one of those movies you look forward to each Christmas. I love the Miser Brothers. The animation is very well done, and the songs are catchy. The plot is fun, and we get reminded of some of the good things about Christmas. This is a classic Christmas movie up there with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. What a shame they made a remake (live action, no less). Now I guess this version will be relegated to the dusty back of all the discarded classics. Sometimes Hollywood just needs to leave well enough alone. If you get to watch this one, or own it, enjoy it with your whole family. Some really young kids might be a little scared, but I think the "scary" factor is the same as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. If your kids can handle that one, then this one might be OK. I always try to watch movies before my kids see them, since some parents have stricter or looser standards. Up to you parents to decide, but I would have let my toddler watch it if it had come on this year.
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