Masters of Horror: The Fair Haired Child (2006)
Season 1, Episode 9
Unexpected treat from a marginal "master"
18 December 2006
B-list filmmaker William Malone no doubt secured his position on "Masters of Horror" by his association with series creator Mick Garris, not because he has any good movies under his belt. That being said, his contribution to the series is a bloody knockout. 'The Fair-Haired Child' follows Tara (Lindsey Pulsipher), an antisocial schoolgirl who is accosted by a child-like (and for all practical purposes, nutzoid) pianist Anton (William Samples), and Judith (a surprisingly creepy Lori Petty), his cello-playing skeleton of a wife. These two desperate characters are looking to resurrect their son by sacrificing 12 children to a malevolent force, and Tara is their lucky number; confined to the inescapable basement, she meets Johnny (Jesse Haddock), who hides a dark secret. While most MOH episodes have been remarkably bland in terms of visual style, Malone should be commended for his experimental technique (consisting of different film speeds, POV shots, and black-and-white imagery), which makes the episode much more dynamic. He approaches Matt Greenberg's script as a cautionary tale and puts the emphasis on character instead of gore; the performances are wonderfully wacky, and the KNB FX are among the best in the series. Along with 'Deer Woman,' 'Dance of the Dead,' and 'Sick Girl,' 'The Fair-Haired Child' is one of the first season's must-see episodes.
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