A former detective, now a fireman, searches for a serial-killer.
2 January 2007
One of the most insane mainstream movies I've seen. An absurd mix of thriller, comedy, romance, and other things; the manic behaviour, strange dialogues, and weird/inconsistent mood-changes make this a very silly movie but also an enjoyable one. As flawed as it might be, I dare anyone to say that it's dull. Star-studded, as film-critics love to say, but in a good sense. Kline is entertaining as the detective-turned-fireman-turned-detective, Steiger - sporting silly blond hair - overacts like a lunatic in the role of the city's emotional mayor, Aiello plays the classic ever-angry cliché police boss, Keitel stands around looking rather bored, Mastrantonio shows that she's got terrific breasts, the model for the painting shows she's got even better breasts, and it's always good to have Susan Sarandon in a movie - though quite ironically of all actresses she doesn't show her terrific chest! The serial-killer in the story must be the most absurd serial-killer either on film or in reality: the method that he uses to select his victims, and the time and the place, has to be seen to be believed. The film has most of the elements to make it a camp classic.
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