this movie should be buried as well as careers
16 January 2007
I saw this movie after reading the novel that it was supposed to be based off of and follow-yet what they did to it was massacre it to a point of which you cannot reognize anything about the book

The Acting was terrible, over dramatized and hammed up every second to make you pretty much wanna jam a pencil through your eardrums so you wouldn't have to listen to it anymore, and well as jus was all around terribly and damn well goofy.

Edward Furlong was a Terrible Crow, David Borneanz-sucked...no other words to describe it, and Tara Reid-well shes Tara Reid-she was horrible what do you expect.

I watched this once on Video then had to sit through it again with friends and nearly used some blunt metal object to knock myself out to spare me from enduring it.

Overall this is generally crappy movie-not worth the money that was used to make it....some of the pple who were in this movie should have their careers buried along with this trash of a movie...(Tara)

let the story end here-they've massacred the legacy behind the story, and I'm sure anyone that is a fan of the movies and/or graphic novel will surely agree this film needs to be burned and buried to never be found. Out of Respect for the original, the book, and the graphic novel...let the series rest...this was the worst one of all-and im sure any further attempts will be even worse.
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