The Emperor's New School (2006–2008)
Old Jokes, New School
26 January 2007
After reading several reviews, both good and bad, but mostly bad, about this show, they all brought up four things: Kuzco's and Pacha's voices sound different, most of the jokes are basically rips from the movie, The Emperor's New Groove, the plot of the episodes are almost repeats of each other, and the theme song is terrible. I noticed the latter pair of these, and confirmed that as The Emperor's New School's biggest flaws.

In case you hadn't seen the show yet, here's the basic plot: in order to become Emperor (in what I'm guessing looks like ancient Mayan territory), Kuzco must go to Kuzco Academy and pass all the class assignments. But the one obstacle in his way is, if you've seen the movie that started it all, Yzma, disguising as the principal of the school, but still with the lovable oaf that is Kronk. In each episode, Yzma tries to make Kuzco fail, many times by transforming him into animals, Kuzco attempts to, fails, succeeds, and learns a lesson from the assignment given, Malina (New School-exclusive character) makes the most sense out of the trio (her, Kronk, and, of course, Kuzco); in the meantime, the jokes of wrong levers, bug and monkey, squirrel talking, shoulder devils and angels, and Yzma/Amzy ensue. Also, Kuzco acts more spoiled and a lot dumber in the series than in the movies.

And just to talk about the theme song. At first, I thought the same exact thing as everyone else. But once I saw a few more episodes, the song got stuck in my head sometimes, though not in the best way. Unfortunately, because of it, the show loses an extra point from the grade I originally intended to give it.

But despite the repetition of jokes, they're not ALL quite the same. Some of the best original humor, while still with that Emperor-esquire flavor, happen during the credits, though the series didn't start the trend until slightly later episodes (about half a month to two months after the first airing). Also, I didn't find the voice acting as bad as most of the reviewers here said; in fact, I didn't even notice.

Still, even with some of the good points, there's still enough bad ones to weigh it down quite a bit. But I enjoyed the two movies enough to at least watch it on an occasional basis. This show's more likely to hit big fans rather than everyone.

My original rating: 7/10 My new (and final) rating: 5/10
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