Beverly Hood (1999)
Boring horrible movie
28 January 2007
I ran across this movie at walmart on one of those dollar racks. I didn't expect much coming since it was there in the first place. I thought maybe I was getting some made for TV movie or something sincei never heard of it before but it turned out to be worse. Movie makes me feel like a bunch of friends got together and some how managed to get destiny's child involved and churned out this horrible piece of crap. The acting is worse than that I experience as my classmates homework video projects in my multimedia class in community college. As I said I wasn't expecting much but at least thought I'd get some laughs out of it. Well scratch that I did laugh at those unnecessary slow motion scene when I was thinking about how I should've picked up the Luke Perry movie that was in the same rack or just saved my dollar in the first place. I wouldn't recommend wasting your money on this unless you want a coaster and a DVD case.
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