Facts are facts. 9-11 was an inside job. Period.
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Loose Change" is a thought-provoking little documentary that draws attention to and questions the "official" story of what really happened on 9/11. It takes a couple of free-thinking college kids to put together such a video, since the media gets paid to divert our attention from real facts with inane terrorist warnings, "muscle" hijacker tales, bogus pancake theories and other heroic schlock. The events which unfolded on 9/11 were indeed, well-coordinated, well thought-out, planned years in advance and executed with (just enough to fool the average dummy) military precision, by not by Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, that's for sure. Complete with knife-toting hijackers, pulverized airplanes, collapsing skyscrapers and brave firemen, Hitchcock couldn't have crafted a better script. You've seen Wag the Dog, haven't you?

See, there are actually people who believe in a 'New World Order' in which the USA is the omnipotent world power. All the Neo-cons do their part to contribute. The Bushes have at least eight years (Clinton's run) to plan their 'New Pearl Harbor' event, of which the first and biggest hurdle is getting their boy into office. With the election fixed, the Patsie in place, the biggest hurdle is overcome. Of course this time Cheney and Rummy have to pull ALL the strings cause, unlike his daddy, Dubya has the IQ of a hockey puck. Once he's elected, they waste no time in carrying out 9/11, "The Big Wedding."

Neo-clan member Giuliani makes his pal Silverstein an offer he can't refuse - sacrifice two asbestos-riddled, low rent behemoths in exchange for millions in insurance money, and a bonus to be determined later (when Rudy becomes President?) A Bush cousin just happens to be in charge of security for the entire WTC complex, offering uninhibited access (you WILL want to read more about this.) Quite the coincidence! Schedule war games to confuse NORAD, have agents at the ready to confiscate evidence immediately following the attacks, cart away the thousands of pounds of steel as quickly as possible from ground zero and ship it overseas before it can be examined, publish photos of all 19 hijackers within days of the event, reinforcing hatred of the 'enemy' before it's even determined who the culprits are. It's genius, really, until Silverstein slips and admits they "pulled" WTC #7 on purpose. Whoops! And I doubt if one of those neo-Nazis realized that using so much Thermate would leave molten steel burning in pools at the foundations of the buildings for weeks. What fire ever gets hotter AFTER millions of gallons of water are poured on it? D'oh!

A 757 crashed in an open field. There were no dead bodies found, no luggage, no seats, no wire harnesses, no wing sections, no tail sections, no nothing. Photographers weren't allowed near the shallow pit. (See realistic plane crash debris in "War of the Worlds.") There were no Arabic names on the passenger lists of any of those planes. How were they identified so quickly if they all died and their names were not on the manifests? Hmmm.

Subsequently, we have been put in fear of our lives by Osama Bin Laden and other "terrorists" from "The Axis of Evil" who hate our freedom and may strike again at any time. Yeah, right. The anthrax scare that immediately followed 9/11 was just one more trumped up plan to scare the population even further and intimidate law makers into voting for a policy the republicans needed to push their NWO. There were no mysterious middle eastern men mailing anthrax to democrats! Turns out, the anthrax came from a US government lab.

Just look at each detail and you will find that it was absolutely planned by the government, with no other logical explanation. It's not surprising that so many of you think "Loose Change" is bull. The government banks on the fact that most people are simpletons who believe everything they read in the paper and take whatever the president spews in his press conferences as gospel truth. Hah! Really, the one and only Conspiracy Theory here is the one published by the 9/11 Commission. I think Barbara Honegger said it best, "Only a military aircraft would have given off the 'friendly' signal needed to disable the Pentagon's anti-aircraft missile batteries as it approached the building. Only the military, not al Qaeda, had the ability to break all of its Standard Operating Procedures to paralyze its own emergency response system" on 9/11.
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