Unlike the norm, that's for sure.
7 February 2007
It's hard for me to explain why I love this movie so much, but only because I'm not that articulate when it comes to speaking what's in my heart, I guess. But that's also a compliment for writer, director Larry Holden, and his remarkable directorial debut - because (I think, anyway) that's his goal: to try and speak the inarticulate speech of the heart. Does that make sense? I know, sounds corny, but I think it's right on the mark. Well, anyway, I think it's simply amazing when a film can stick with you long after you watch it (especially nowadays with all the disposable / forgettable crap that's out there); and, sometimes, like with this film, for reasons you're not really sure of. You just feel like you really have experienced something different, that you've been exposed to art, and the film keeps popping into your mind at the strangest times. I've read that another of his films, Tucked In His Knuckles, has that affect on people even more -that it bugs them a good, long while afterward, but I haven't seen it yet. Question, though: Why doesn't Mr. Holden sell his movies to Netflix or Blockbuster? Seems like that would help get his movies out there a bit. I admire what has been reported to be an uncompromising stance when it comes to how his films are released and promoted, but isn't the whole point to reach as many people as you can? I mean, it would be a damn shame if this film got lost, eventually, and all because he won't take advantage of all of the available distribution channels. But maybe he doesn't care about all that, and that's why the films are so special. I don't know. All I do know, though, is this film made me take the time to post this, and that says a lot in my book. Check it out if you can find it.
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