Review of LAX

LAX (2004–2005)
Layered, Complex Characters = Good Television
13 February 2007
This show was all about good quality acting with complex relationships which made it very compelling to watch. It is a real shame that this wasn't recognized by the majority. The characters were so wonderfully layered that I kept wanting to know more about their lives, their relationships and what was going to happen next. Television, these days, is very predictable which is something that LAX was not. This, hands down, was THE BEST thing on television when it originally aired. It would've been nice to have an entire season before "they" canceled it but changing the night after a few episodes doesn't help much. I hope the American Television Machine comes around to creating layered, complex characters with well-developed, unpredictable plots once again where the American public can get lost in the story and therefore consistently crave more of it. Because THAT is what makes good TV; in my opinion, of course.
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