Fun, innovative, and ahead of it's time. It should be aired again!
13 February 2007
It would be very difficult for me to comment objectively on this fine TV show because I was one of the cast for all the episodes. I started of as a stand-in for John "Kip' Achorn and ended up in the final episodes with a recurring actor role. But since, I have been a TV viewer for many many years, I believe I could offer an opinion. This show was not only a joy to work on during the summer of '97 at Studio City's CBS Radford lot, and it was a real quality programming. When you look at the schocky children's programing on network and cable TV, this show stands head-and-shoulders above all of them. I had hoped this show's owners would shop this show to the Disney channel, Nickelodeon, or such because each Baliey Show tackles and has a positive 'moral' to handle without being overly preachy. This is positive show for parents and kids. The cast was perfect and extremely good performers. The clever use of special video editing effects make the show move at a fast kid attention rate. Also we has several guest stars that came of the show. We had Jerry Springer, Bob Baker, and Stephen King. I am thinking about writing an Internet article about my three months working on Baliey Kipper. PM me if you have any questions. Legitament inquiries accepted only. I could go on....check out this entries BBS for more...
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