Midnight Offerings (1981 TV Movie)
Decent enough drama, but it lacks bite
3 March 2007
There's definitely the potential for a decent teen based horror drama here, but unfortunately this TV movie doesn't deliver on this and by the end, feels more than a little bit flat. Made for TV horror isn't usually brilliant, but I've discovered a few decent ones recently, although I wouldn't put Midnight Offerings among the best of them. The plot seems to take influence from Stephen King/Brian de Palma's "classic" Carrie, as we follow a couple of high school girls that have supernatural powers. At the centre of the story is David, a young man who's not the brightest bulb in the box, and who also happens to be going out with Vivian. Vivian is a witch, and uses her powers to help David out by murdering teachers that are failing him. However, he's bored with her, and when new girl Robin turns up at the school; David's head is turned. The chances of there being two witches at one school must be pretty slim; but that's what happens here as Robin also has supernatural powers and the two girls begin a struggle over David.

The only film like this one, aside from Carrie, that I've seen is nineties horror 'The Craft'. I actually have a higher opinion of that one than most, and I have to say that it's better than this film. Since it was made for television, Midnight Offerings is somewhat on the back foot from the beginning as it was limited by budget and the potential for special effects wasn't there, so it has to rely on it's performers. The acting from Melissa Sue Anderson and Mary Beth McDonough isn't bad, but it isn't great either and neither one really has enough screen presence to carry the film. There's not a lot of action, and the best scene - a battle of wills inside the school wood shop - is just OK. The film does well at building up the mythology around the witches, as we get details of what they can do and some information on the history of their powers; but the film ultimately lacks any bite, and the ideas on display aren't enough to adequately mask this. Overall, Midnight Offerings is decent enough for a single viewing; but it could have been a lot better.
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