Review of Orpheus

Angel: Orpheus (2003)
Season 4, Episode 15
One of the greatest episodes of the entire series
5 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best episode of the season. In fact, I think that it's probably in the top five episodes of the whole series. (In my opinion only season two's "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been," and season five's "You're Welcome," "Destiny," & "Hole in the World" give it any real competition.) "Orpheus" provides more insight into Angel's history, brings Willow to town, restores Angel's soul and is just so flat-out fun that I always hate to see it end. You really need to see it.

"Orpheus" revolves around Angelus finally being captured. It turns out that Faith & Wes set him up. When he bit her in "Release," Angelus didn't know that Faith had spiked her blood with that mystical drug from the demon bar. Now Angelus & Faith are both unconscious and back at the Hyperion. Faith is dying from the drug. Lorne is furious at Wes for giving it to her, but Wesley insists that Faith knew what she was doing. The only thing they can do now is get Angel's soul back. Luckily, Fred has called Willow in to help them. (Willow put Angel's soul back once before in BTVS season two's "Becoming Part Two") She thinks that she can do it again. No one is aware that Evil Cordy is plotting to stop them. She tells Conner that in order to protect the baby, he has to kill Angelus.

Meanwhile, the drug has linked Faith and Angelus' dreams. They're stuck in Angel's memories, reliving his life. Neither one of the is thrilled to see the other. Faith is waiting around to die, finally satisfied that she's done enough and can just quit fighting. Angelus is furious that he has to look at Angel's life again. They watch as Angel tries to stay on the righteous path. Feeding on rats, slipping and drinking blood from a dying human, hiding alley ways so he doesn't have to face the world... As Faith gets closer to dying, Angel suddenly starts talking to her. He says that he wants her to see all this so she realizes that he's made mistakes, too. But they both have to keep fighting. Angel and Angelus begin to hit each other.

Back in the real world, Willow magically brakes the jar holding Angel's soul and puts it back in his body. Faith wakes up from her drugged coma and races down stairs to find Conner. She gets there just in time to stop Conner from staking Angel. Faith and Conner fight, then Angel stops them and explains that he's back to being a White Hat again. With the return of his soul, Angel says that they have to get to work fighting the Beast's Master. Willow & Faith leave for Sunnydale. Cordy comes downstairs and finally tells Team Angel that she's pregnant.

There are a lot of good parts to this episode. Conner's not my favorite character, but it was nice of him to try and comfort Wes when Faith is dying. He says that Wes did the right thing and that Faith chose her own own path because she's a warrior. It's one of the only times I agree with the kid. And I like Willow and Fred interacting. They're so giggly and (inadvertantly on Fred's part) flirty with each other. Willow finally blurts out, "I'm seeing someone" and Fred just blinks in confusion. And it's always fun to see Willow and Cordy in a scene again. "How've you been?" asks Will. Cordy shrugs, "Higher Power. You?" Willow nods, "Ultimate evil." I just have to laugh. Finally, I love the end of the episode as Faith and Wes say good-bye. "Faith." Says Wes. "Wes." Says Faith. Then she smiles, because "Brits" know how to do farewells. "Angel wanted to hug." She tells Wesley. "No I didn't." Angel mutters. Although it's pretty clear that --yeah-- He did. Angel's such a sweetie and I'm glad he's back.

Mostly thought, I love this episode because of Angelus and Faith stuck in Angel's memories. From his arrival in America at Ellis Island, to his disco hair to the rat eating, I think it just adds so much back story to Angels' character. It explain what happened to him between "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been" and BTVS "Becoming Part One." How he went from living in a hotel to drinking the blood of rats. It's really brilliant. Angel just gave up. It wasn't until he met Whistler & Buffy that he found his mission. That's what he's trying to tell Faith: Giving up is worse than failing. Angel has made a lot of mistakes, but he knows that the only way to find redemption is to keep trying. Plus, his heroic puppy rescue, while Angelus throws a temper tantrum, is one of the funniest moments of the entire series.

On the down side, I'm sad that this is Faith's last episode on the show. I like her better on "Angel" than on BTVS and I wish she'd come back. Her friendship with Angel is sweet to watch and she really adds something to the show.

My favorite part of the episode: Angelus' hatred of Barry Manilow. Angel says that even with a soul, he's done things that he regrets. Angelus bellowing, "Like those Manilow concerts, you son of a b*tch!" cracks me up every time.
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