A True classic of psychological horror
9 March 2007
Out of every horror film ever made, nothing has dug itself into my personal fears, to such and extent, as The Blair Witch Project. upon my first viewing i was aware that this documentary style horror film was entirely fiction, yet that didn't stop me from being genuinely frightened. It is a criminally underrated film, often critically snapped for being a giant cheap gimmick or scare tactic, also, the rather grim, terrifying and unrevealing conclusion left some disappointed. Yet having the mystery unrevealed is what makes this titles so compelling, what is hunting down these characters and why, what form does the presence take, what is the meaning of all these signs, rocks and symbols, it is this confusion that creates the claustrophobia and fear. that feeling of impending doom is maintained throughout the piece. The amateur actors are simply fantastic, applying Stanislavski method acting techniques to give their performances vivid realism. This film really has to be seen to be believed, just don't expect a blood bath, or an all out scare fest, this one is a pressure cooker of suspense, tension and claustrophobia, its a slow builder and requires a patient viewer.

Verdict: Masterpiece
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