A definite 'Must See' for all.
10 March 2007
I thought I knew about Vietnam. I hadn't really studied it as such and, in England, it isn't taught very in depth, if at all in the state schools so I only thought I knew about it from various sources that I had absorbed it from during my life: Movies being the main source which, I used to think, rightly so in most cases, were just sensationalism and that a lot of the horrific things were just made worse for the movie. I had read the odd article too and I was aware of certain atrocities but even then it din't seem to sink in and really get into my brain just how bad that terrible war was. It wasn't like any other war.

In the words of one of the veterans on this film, it was like a game where the winner is the one who kills the most...be them civilians or Viet Cong.

Watching this made me close to tears.

To hear the guys that actually committed these horrendous acts against what were, in the main, innocent civilian villagers who knew nothing of what they had supposedly done to deserve it and were shot for fun or just because they happened to be there,..well, hearing the guys telling the stories makes this one of the most harrowing yet poignant movies you could ever watch.

I think it should be shown in schools as a matter of course.

Man turned into Animal by the system that convinced him he was doing it for his country; his people; his fathers and his freedom.

What a load of rubbish.

These guys suffered so much and when some of them even attempt to tell the horrors they just cannot face it. You can see the look on their eyes: It tells it all.

I recommend this to anyone who has come by here to see if it is worth watching or not. Not only worth watching but it is REQUIRED VIEWING! Please keep this and show it to your children when they are older so that they might see what happened in this dark period of our so called 'civilized' history of the 20th century.

I hope those veterans were somehow able to put their ghosts to rest but somehow I doubt that.
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