Fugitive Alien (1986 TV Movie)
When I was a child, I had a fever...
12 March 2007
....and none of my feverish hallucinations ever came close to the sheer insane absurdity of this complete nonsense. This is definitely one of Sandy Frank's most entertaining - admittedly for all the wrong reason - efforts (although that is a little like saying that this is one of Coleman Francis' most fun-filled features); certainly better than the steaming pile of acidic manure that is Time of the Apes. Seriously, that movie made my eyes hurt. At least Fugitive Alien, for all its incoherent attempts at plot lines, for all its sloppily spliced together scenes from some cheesy Japanese TV series, for all its insanely awful dialogue ("You're stuck here!"), is unintentionally hilarious. And I mean HILARIOUS. As in, John-Cleese-eat-your-heart-out, knee-slappingly, air-gaspingly laugh out loud hilarious. If you have to choose between watching the latest shrug-worthy Adam Sandler/Vince Vaughn/Ben Stiller "comedy" or this... choose this. It's colourful, stupid as hell, and unbelievably entertaining for the most part. Wait, am I recommending a Sandy Frank movie? Oh well, I guess it's finally happened. I've gone insane. There is no hope left for me now. I guess I'll just go and watch Fugitive Alien again. It makes my brain... comfortably numb.
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