Review of Climates

Climates (2006)
Relationships in a Changing Climate
20 March 2007
  • Character study of a man at the end of a relationship - Quite simply, if the director's previous movie 'Uzak' (Distant) got under your skin, this one will too. So much so that the movies seem almost complementary. Both movies, about a photographer based in Istanbul, are about distance, about how much we keep to ourselves and how much we (can) share with others. In a dramatically low-key and visually inspired way, they address a great theme: the tension between the public and private, particularly in contemporary urban life. Like the movies of Antonioni or Ozu, shots are very carefully composed. Like the movies of Louis Malle there is considerable humanity at the heart of it all. Whereas 'Uzak' pointed up its main character's foibles and limitations in relation to his putting up a guest in his apartment who is looking for work in the city, 'Climates' addresses similar issues in the break-up (or breakdown) of a relationship. In either movie you will see truths about relationships and the way people live today.
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