Very intelligent and subtle
24 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First I have to state, that I'm a great fan of thrillers, especially one containing a clever conspiracy (You know how rare it is to find a CLEVER conspiracy in movies). This is one of my favourites. I like the whole cast, especially Patrick Stewart who delivers a great (I think one of his best) performance as the slightly cracked CIA psychiatrist.

The Conspiracy in this movie is not a world threatening or out to gain world domination. It is a former CIA project to train the perfect killer. Now the psychiatrist responsible for this project has gone renegade and uses his killers for the most bidding.

Jerry is a NY taxi driver and like any of them a little bit crazy. He is a firm believer in his many conspiracy theories. Somehow he seems to stumble over something, because suddenly he is targeted by CIA kidnapping and murder attempts. His sole ally in some way is district attorney Alice Sutton, the woman he loves more than anything. She's the daughter of a murdered judge.

During the movie are many escape scenes in which Jerry almost every time succeeds due to clever planning and weird genius.

I like that, though containing many action scenes, there is not a lot of over the top shooting and exploding going on. Most action scenes are escape based involving running, hiding and driving.

Add to this the superb cast, the clever plot and some crazy (but agreeable) conspiracy theories and you know why I gave this movie 8/10 stars. My advice: Rent it, buy it, watch it!
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