This Movie Saved My Life
25 March 2007
I had to post this because I've been reading all of these really bad reviews and I just can't relate to any of them. I think most of the people writing the reviews have missed something fundamental which is (I think) Pleasure Drivers is much more of an art film than your standard b-movie thriller. Lots of people have posted that the movie's too slow -- that's what I love about it. I think its strangeness makes it really unique and you get sucked in, in ways you don't understand and have to see it again. I think it's really too bad that this movie is being judged by what it isn't (a slick, stupid, fast paced thriller) instead of what it is, which for me was this really austere investigation of morals and motivation, or I don't even know, but it feels like it's doing a lot more than like say Kill Bill. I'm sure if it get released in Europe (if it hasn't already) it'll do much better. Why do we have to relate to the people in it? I had so much fun just watching all these trashy people get more and more messed up. The one thing I didn't like was the whole "lesbian" hit woman. That was really underdeveloped, but whatever,it's like this ultra cheap movie and they probably ran out of money or something. I don't know about you but when I see a movie that's this different it makes me feel alive and excited. Hopefully these people will get more money for their next project.
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