It Sounds Better Than It Plays
26 March 2007
This 85-minute film was intriguing for the first half hour. Then it begins to bog down, big- time. After an hour, it was like pulling teeth for me to finish the last third of the movie.

Olivia de Havilland plays identical twins, one of whom commits a murder. Most of the film is devoted to psychiatrist who tries to figure out which of the two women is the guilty party. Both twins have an alibi for the crime. That sounds better than it played.

Lew Ayers plays the shrink, "Dr. Scott Elliott." Thomas Mitchell plays the investigating police officer, "Lt. Stevenson." (They never said his first name.) With a fine director like Robert Siodmak, I expected a better movie but then again, all of the Freudian nonsense usually turns me off. Also, the story was too much of a stretch. Sorry to waste Olivia's talents in this psycho-babble yawner.
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