Faux-Feminist Movie Disappoints
25 March 2007
I found this movie largely disappointing. The main character is an Israeli woman trying to fulfill her dream by becoming a noted author but her dream is appropriated by the self-interest of her professional counselor Sound familiar? I sensed it was a re-telling of "Running With Scissors" from the mother's perspective: Mother wants to be a writer; dream stymied by professional adviser; gay son; dysfunctional family.

By telling the story from a woman's perspective, the male director allows himself to explore a feminist perspective. But is it truly feminist? As a male viewer, I was insulted by the depiction. All male characters, without exception, are weak and act like jerks. Isn't this the kind of stereotyping that the woman's movement found so offensive in its argument for equality. If the tables were turned and the movie was about a male protagonist stymied in his attempt for advancement by foolish females, woman would rightfully heap scorn on such a portrayal as sexist gibberish.

The ending seems contrived. Without being a spoiler I simply suggest the ending doesn't match the rest of the story.
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