Review of Titus

Titus (1999)
Heinous. Painful. Fraudulent.
4 April 2007
Titus Andronicus is a controversial play. There are many Shakespeare purists who refuse to believe that Shakespeare had a hand in editing it, much less writing it. It's a violent play with lots of gore and far less of the poetic tongue that Shakespeare is noted for.

This film, despite the huge production values and amazing talents of Julie Taymor, is almost torture to watch.

Let's start with the actors. Jessica Lange? Doing classic theatre? Seriously? Even with all of her previously outstanding performances, she comes off as a little better than community theatre when faced with complex dialogue. Even worse, we're expected to believe that she and Alan Cumming could be physically attracted to one another. It's like putting Pee Wee Herman and Zsa Zsa Gabor in a sex scene. Gag.

Sure, the scenery is interesting, the artistic design and costumes are neat, but even Sir Anthony Hopkins is at a loss in this one. If you're a torture enthusiast, maybe this one is for you. If you have taste or a sense of what a Shakepeare play is supposed to be, there are plenty of other titles that would suit you better.
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