Any fan of bad films will have a field day with this one
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've only seen one other Jerry Warren film (to my knowledge), "The Wild World Of Batwoman", but I would easily put him up there with Ray Dennis Steckler ("The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Zombies?!!") as one of the top five people in Western Civilization who should never be allowed near a camera again. And I hope that at some point the poor guy who made "Robot Monster" got a chance to see this - it would have cheered him up immensely to see a film that made "RM" look like Francis Ford Coppola.

What an amazing mess. Watching it is like watching 9th graders (trapped in the bodies of adults) trying to pretend they are acting out a Boris Karloff movie. The only good thing you can say for it is that the movie doesn't seem to take itself seriously - it's just trying to have a swinging good time and to entertain the audience.

Watch it for the sheer novelty value only.

Jerry Warren: Your guarantee of movie incoherence.
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