...now he's learned how to hate, to kill and to rape...
19 April 2007
I knew this one would be total garbage but it's cover is so hilarious i had to get it. I'm actually glad I did. while this sleazy cheapo is so far from being good it was actually kinda fun for laughs over a few cold ones. Actually to be honest this one about killed a whole case of brew. The beginning actually started off excellent with some really psychotic scenes of attempted mackin, a really funny flash back, and even some messed up nudity. There was also an insanely hilarious country tune. If that type of stuff would have kept up this could have easily earned an eight star rating. unfortunately it gets pretty boring quick. I was starting to get pretty burnt out on it but the madness picks back up towards the end with nudity, the sleaziest dance scene i've ever seen, and a funny ending. Recommended for fans of total 70's z-grade trash only! If you wanna watch a good piece of trash about a deranged psycho i'd definitely recommend MANIAC before this one.
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