Bergerac: What Dreams May Come? (1985)
Season 4, Episode 3
Homage to a classic
24 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a homage to the great film The Devil Rides Out, based on the book by Dennis Wheatley, in which Charles Gray plays the chief Satanist. Gray reprises his role with his usual charm. The dialogue is unexpectedly witty. The mortuary attendant claims his wife says his job has made him hard while simultaneously chomping a sandwich and displaying a body. Says Bergerac to Gray: "You don't mince your words, do you!" Gray: "My words are too valuable to be minced." There's a slight whiff of sulphur from the pit but the forces of good are represented only by solid policemen and their decent wives. Malcolm Tierney puts in an appearance as a gay landlord.

A particularly good episode of a wonderful series. Where is the Robert Banks Stewart of the new millennium?
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