The war of the weeds
27 April 2007
John Wyndham has always been one my favorite of the 'classic science-fiction' writers. And 'The Day of the Triffids' is a classic in itself both as the original book and this film version. The story is very simple, yet effective with many great 'what if' situations. So, what if most of the population goes blind? Well, if it's caused by a psychedelic meteor storm and giant plants on roller skates the situations can be very hairy. And also fun to watch. Just like H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds was, to which Triffids owe more than a little. If you also happened to like the original 50's versions of 'The Blob' or 'The Thing from Another World' and haven't seen this one yet you're in for a big treat.

Everything is as it should be in these movies. The acting is average but solid enough and the mutants are on wires, wheels and who knows what. The triffids aren't seen very clearly most of the time, which thankfully adds some mystery into them and lets watcher's own imagination fill the gaps for a menace.

The action is cleverly divided to a couple of different places and groups of people allowing some nice variation on the danger and mood. Usually some sort of deeper metaphoric level can be found even in the silliest of old SF-flicks, be it fighting against communism or what ever. This story almost feels like some sort of a tribute to the British during difficult times of WW2, lightly entertaining but warm hearted. A charming classic and free of pessimism of the later times.
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