This is the most admirable chick flick I've ever seen
29 April 2007
There are no true jerks in this film, and that's at odds with reality, but otherwise this is an incredibly affecting film about an ordinary woman on the attractive side who frequents the local tavern looking for a quick tumble and one too many drinks. I've somehow met women like this though I'm not sure when and where. But Ashley Judd is so completely convincing and skilled at bringing this woman's story to the screen that I was completely won over. My wife likes her movies, but I've always found them a bit off the mark whenever I've seen one. In this film Joey Lauren Adams has done a truly worthwhile bit of directing and writing in shining a light on a small town story. The audience at Roger Ebert's Overlooked Film Festival where I just saw it on the big screen seemed as appreciative as I was. She was heartily applauded when she came on to describe how this little gem was put together, and I, for one, was glad she was there to gather in the public appreciation. But I would have liked to have seen Ashley Judd too. Joey pointed out that she originally wanted to play the lead, but there's no question in my mind that no one could have nailed it like Ashley did. The supporting actors add spice and depth with quality and economy, but this is Ashley's show, and she does a wonderful job that's kicked her permanently up a few notches in my book. For once I sat through what I consider a chick flick and not only did I not fall asleep but felt truly entertained. Now that's a first, but let's not make a habit of it!
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