Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Makes up for the crap that was Spider-Man 2
5 May 2007
Spider-man was one of the best movie experiences I had in my life. Then Spider-man 2 hit. I hate that movie. Why? Well I just found it to be overall ripping off the plot of Superman II...just without Zod, and the awesome presence of Christopher Reeves. Spider-man 2 felt like a wannabe Superman movie with the wrong guy in red and blue tights. That's the short end of why I hated Spider-man 2, there are other reasons.

So I wasn't all that psyched when Spider-man 3 started rolling around. I felt like I had to see this movie...because it was required, like jury duty.

I went to the midnight showing at my local theater with my Spider-man and general Marvel comics nut of a roommate, and zero expectations. I expected to maybe have a good time.

I was generally blown away.

Everything I felt was lacking is back in the 3rd movie. I actually care about the characters again. Peter isn't frustratingly stupid and Mary Jane and Harry are not obnoxious like they were in Spider-man 2. The humor works, even if it is over the top sometimes. Watching the three of them interact was entertaining for me.

The fights finally felt like something out of a Spider-man comic. Spidey and his villains whizzing, swinging, punching, flailing around. Pure glee for me.

Some people claim that the movie was overstuffed with plot. I think that's a pretty subjective argument, and will depend on the viewer, I was never confused, bored, or felt like the plot was being rushed.

I also found it refreshing that more time was spent with the hero than establishing the villains. You know enough about them, that's it. They're the villains, they are not any different from any other villains, even if one is a space alien and the other is made from sand, they are still just nuisances.

It's like this trend since Tim Burton's Batman to spend half the film with the camera squarely on the villain, taking away focus from the main protagonist. Batman Begins broke this trend and thankfully Spider-man 3 does the same.

To sum it up. Spider-man 3 is going to be argued about, some will hate it, some will love it. I loved it and I am surprised I did.
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