Kong Island (1968)
Inept jungle adventure, so awful it's beyond description.
6 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Eva, La Venere Selvaggia goes by various titles - English-speaking audiences probably know it best as either Kong Island or King Of Kong Island. Regardless of what title you know it by, the film is awful. It is a masterpiece of ineptitude to rank alongside Plan 9 From Outer Space, Robot Monster, Astro Zombies and the Bo Derek version of Tarzan The Ape-Man. Truly one of the worst movies ever made.

Mercenary Burt Dawson (Brad Harris) is involved in a payroll robbery in the African bush, but during the operation he is shot and left for dead by a supposed partner-in-crime named Albert Muller (Marc Lawrence). Months later, Muller has retreated to a secret cave where he is using the stolen fortune to finance scientific research into brain control. But Dawson - who somehow survived the earlier double-cross - turns up once again in Africa seeking revenge. Dawson's vengeance trail begins in a night-club, where he visits an old acquaintance called Theodore (Aldo Cecconi) and asks for information about Muller's whereabouts. Later, Dawson meets up with Theodore's kids - adventurous son Robert (Mark Farran) and daughter Diana (Ursula Davis), both of whom are about to set off on a hunting expedition to track down the legendary Sacred Monkey. Whilst out in the bush searching for this fabled creature, Diana is kidnapped by a pair of robotic gorillas. Only later does it become clear that the gorillas are actually acting under the influence of mind control, having had microchips implanted in their brain by Albert Muller. When Dawson learns of Diana's abduction - and hears that Muller is responsible for it - he jumps at the chance to track down his treacherous ex-pal. He joins an expedition into the jungle, but along the way they stumble across Eva (Esmerelda Barros), a female savage who has grown up in the wild (think "lady-Tarzan" who likes nothing better than to cavort around topless). Eventually, Dawson and Eva join forces to track down Muller, leading to a final confrontation in his underground laboratory.

There are some films that are so bad they become enjoyable in a twisted sort of way. Sadly Eva, La Venere Selvaggia is NOT one of them. This one is just plain bad, to such an extent that watching it becomes a test of willpower and writing a review of it merely reminds you what a painful experience it was to endure. Everything about the film fails - the acting, the music, the story, the photography, the directing. Lawrence hams it up embarrassingly as the mad villain, while Harris is impossibly wooden as the hero. Barros simply jogs around naked with her hair combed strategically over her breasts, smiling her way through perhaps the lamest role ever asked of any actress in a motion picture. Robert Pregadio provides the music, but rather than trying to perk up the proceedings with a bit of dramatic scoring, he settles for something that makes you think you're strolling through a 1960s department store. The story itself would be funny were it not so tedious, with interminable shots of people trekking through the jungle interspersed with wildlife footage clearly dug up from other sources. Eva, La Venere Selvaggia is essential viewing if you're trying to pick a candidate for "The Worst Film Of All-Time" competition. Apart from that - or should that be because of it? - it is utterly worthless grade-Z garbage.
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