Part of a new era in Christian film-making
2 May 2007
Hidden Secrets, like last year's The Second Chance, shows a bold new direction for Christian film-making. Screenwriters and directors of faith are starting to leave the easily-fantasized world of "end times" stories behind and stepping out in faith in an attempt to make films that really challenge both Christians and non-Christians by showing more realistic people and the realistic crises and problems they face. Like The Second Chance, this movie will actually be maligned by some believers... which means it's just doing its job. After all, Jesus's message of truth was not wholeheartedly embraced. But the fact remains that people struggle with many issues, and Christians are no different. Being a Christian isn't a magical diagnosis for all your problems going away (one of the issues I had with Facing the Giants - while I found it quite inspirational and enjoyable, it didn't show the other side of the coin) - in fact, the bible states over and over again that in this world we will have trouble - but it is in the promise of an eternal life with Christ where we can live free of sin and free of tears that we rest our hope. This movie portrays that brilliantly. The always reliable, very natural David A.R. White shines in this as he does in his other films, and game support is provided by some well-known and lesser known veterans, including John Schneider, Staci Keenan, Corin Nemic, Tracy Melchior and Gregg Binkley. Oh, did I mention it has a lot of genuine laughs, too? Those come courtesy of a witty script that lets the humor flow naturally from characters and situations as opposed to cheap laughs and pop culture references. I guess you can say it's a "dramedy" version of The Big Chill, but with a Christian worldview. You'll like the folks in the film. You'll root for them (well, except maybe for one). You'll spend an hour and a half with a thought-provoking, engaging, heartwarming and humorous story. That and dinner sounds like the perfect date night for you and your S.O., no? Enjoy! :)
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