While no TW3*, the show gives Conservatives chance to do the Ribbing!
20 May 2007
Okay you Liberals, it's our turn! How's it feel?

It wasn't too long ago that if one were to be a Political Conservative, he would be looked at as some extreme square who has no social life or other interaction with the opposite sex. He would be considered the type who considered the School Debating Team as an athletic endeavor, a contact sport, even. He was the guy that the Libs all figured went home and read himself to sleep with The Congressional Record!All of this as well as being pigeon holed as being racist, sexist,elitist, religiously bigoted and hateful of the 'lower' classes. They would never have a political spoof comedy show!

I can well remember a station break announcement on our local CBS TV Affiliate, WBBM, Channel 2 in Chicago. After all of these years, and this was 1964, the year of the Presidential Election. Incumbent Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat)handily defeated the Republican Standard Bearer, Senator Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona. The outcome was a Landslide for Johnson, but in the time leading up to the election the above mentioned Channel 2 message was typical of the Liberally Biased Press. It went like this (almost verbatim from my memory):

"Hear Extreme, Ultra Right Conservative, (NAME HERE) defend Goldwater's position tonight on AT RANDOM."** Now, this is a totally loaded statement, which even little old 18 year me could tell. In the period from then to about 15 or 20 years, people like Joe Pine or Wally George were frequently identified as "Conservative Spokesmen."

Then we got to the years of Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Reality. All of a sudden, Joe Sixpacks and Barney Bungalows across the nation realized that they are better off with a smaller, less intrusive Government. Also, we have had lower tax rates (yet more money collected by the Feds? How come?)***

Now then, about FOX NEWS and The 1/2 HOUR NEWS HOUR.

I think it is a funny show. It is about on Parr with Saturday NIGHT LIVE's Week End Update segment. It is apt to bring a little laugh. It generally supplies one with some chuckles, not wild, knee slapping, belly-shaking,uncontrollable laughter. For the most part it's a half hour well worth tuning in to.

The FOX News Network prides itself with their motto:

"We report you decide!"

They are faithful as far as the REPORTING goes. Their Editorial slant is admittedly Conservative and they'd be the first to say so. They are also very generous in giving left wing pundits plenty of air time to defend liberal positions.Remember, reporting should take no sides in a controversy. Commentery is just that, namely it's OPINION!!

Recently I heard the news that there were more viewers who were Liberals and Democrats watching FOX News than the admittedly Liberal slanted CNN. I suppose that means that there are more Libs and Dems tuning in to this 1/2 Hour. So?

So, The 1/2 Hour News Hour will continue its run (There have only been the first 2 Pilot Episodes that have shown so far.). We know that they will be slanted in the Conservative Right way of view. So, there are and will be more satirical items aimed at the Liberals then our side (yeah, I'm one of 'em!).We have had to listen to all these years and to take it!

Now it's your turn Mr. & Ms Lib./Commie/Pinko/Atheist/Elitist/Secular Humanist/Yippie/Abotionist/Kicker of Small Children and Dogs! Remember, it's all in good fun! So if you think that you're hearing more barbs aimed at you, you'd be right. C'mon 'n grow up! Get over it! Can't you take a joke? Grow up, already!

* TW3 was short hand for the 1964 David Frost production of the NBC TV Network's satirical current topical THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS,which was based on a BBC series and was a multi personality, albeit short lived, extravaganza. (look it up elsewhere in IMDb!)

** AT RANDOM was the title of Sun-Times'Columnist, Irv Kupcinet's late night Saturday Talk fest. Guests from culled from the worlds of Politics, Entertainment and Sports (who were in Chicago at the time). Later, when Kupcinet took his show to WNBQ Channel 5 as KUP's SHOW, the powers that be at WBBM continued AT RANDOM with their own John Madigan(Father of Actress, Amy Madigan, by the way). I believe that both shows may have been syndicated at one time.

*** Okay, even a Shanty Irishman like meself can understand this if explained properly. When the tax rate is cut,in addition to the individual tax payer's keeping more of their own money, more capital (money) is left in the pool for business to expand and improve. Suddenly, employees are getting the chance at OVERTIME!(time and a half!) Next thing, the company is hiring! That means that tax monies will be coming from greater salaries and a greater number of workers being taxed. Add to this, more and greater number of federal taxes collected on stock sales, imports, exports, etc. HENCE the Businessmen's Companies Grow, both the States' and Fedreal Coffers get fat and the Consumers' Dollar$ go much further with a much higher rate of Employment and More & Greater $allatie$! Now, everybody should be happy! (That is except, of course for certain types of Politicians who rely on human misery in order to stay in office!)Ya dig?
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