Brilliant, slight spoiler so beware.....
22 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was rather unwillingly dragged to see this at a screening last night by an acquaintance. From what I'd read the film really didn't appeal but since I could see no way of getting out of it, I settled down to make the best of a bad draw and/or see what i could snaffle in the way of freebies.

I'm very glad I stayed, the film was excellent. It tells the story of an educated urban young woman who accepts a job to help pay for her studies by selling medical supplies in the hinterland. The usual plot Mugffin happens and the rest of the film details her relationships with her captors, the villagers and her attempts to escape. A pedestrian plot outline you may say, but it was acted with verve, in particular, Huang Lu as the protagonist was utterly convincing and all in all a well spent hour or two.

Few freebies, alas but I had an excellent meal afterward which made up for most of that.
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