Review of Now Hear This

Now Hear This (1962)
Now Hear This is a unique latter-day Jones effort
22 May 2007
I've just seen this latter-day Chuck Jones effort for Warner Bros. when I linked Cartoon Brew which linked this from YouTube. Wow, what a psychedelic collage before it became fashionable! This short is very hard to describe so I'll just say what a wonderful mix of sound and images concerning a British man hearing strange stuff from a horn he picked up. Gotta give sound effects man Treg Brown credit for really going creative here. This kind of thing probably isn't surprising to anyone who has seen Jones' later Oscar-winning short The Dot and the Line but even so, Now Hear This certainly qualifies as one of the strangest cartoons ever (and was also nominated for an Academy Award, to boot!). To those who have long looked for this rare short, go to YouTube or anywhere else this might be available and hope it eventually turns up on a future Looney Tunes disc collection.
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