A brave look at the humanity in our personal lives
3 June 2007
Amazing job Mr. Grenier! As a fellow "child of neglect," for the lack of a better term, I can promise you that there are thousands upon thousands in this world who can relate to this quest of yours for answers.

The results are wonderfully fulfilling. As a viewer and one who hopes, I love that the humanity you met in your family presents no black and white. All parties can be right and wrong and human. Everyone shown here involved in your life each had their share of wrong decisions which had an unfortunate result in your loss. We can't help but live with our hearts, sometimes to the detriment of our ability to think.

But hey - your choice to track down the past in the present, to face each character in your story and get their stories definitely gives you the right to take the role of "passive" off of your resume!

The few stills which dissolve into art were truly beautiful. It's how memorable moments should be seen in our minds and hearts.

You seem like a truly nice man and everyone in your family should be happy to claim you!
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