Way Out French History
20 June 2007
Duke Phillipe De Beauvais, (Louis Jourdan) flies in a balloon along with a ten year old Louis XVII Richard DE Beauvais ,( Richard O'Sullivan) from Paris and the balloon became damaged and landed in Wales. Virginia Trail, (Belinda Lee) finds the ten year old and befriends him and brings the boy to her aunts home. Louis XVII is separated from his father Duke Phillipe who helped his son escape from being killed, and who was tortured in a prison. Louis XVII has constant nightmares from all the punishment he endured while in prison and he willingly tells his story to Virginia and Louis XVII at the age of 10 tells Virginia that he wants to marry her and will she wait for him to grow up, Virginia is 2l and it was quite a funny scene in this film. This film dealt completely with hiding this ten year old King and people trying to kill him.
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