The Haunting (1963)
A Blended Mocha, A Dark Room and
22 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"The Haunting" (1963). Talk about terror...this version makes the 1999 film feel tame, quiet, mediocre.

It didn't take fantastic exploding special effects, blood or body parts to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Several well place mirrors, loud noises, talking walls and moans and groans did the trick. Then there are the long halls and camera angles. Director Robert Wise didn't waste any of his talents or the actors.

Dr. Markway (Robert Johnson) gains permission from the owner of Hill House to gather with others who are sensitive to the paranormal. Part of the agreement includes the presence of her nephew Luke Sanderson (Russ Tamblyn).

The 1st to arrive at Hill House is Eleanor Lance (Julie Harris) who has psychic abilities. She gets to meet the Dudley's, the cook and caretaker (Rosalie Crutchley & Valentine Dyall). They're pretty scary without ghosts. Then 'clairvoyant' Theodora (Clare Bloom) is shown to her room. Eleanor discovers they're rooms are separated by a shared bath. 'Nell' and 'Theo', as they call each other, become instant friends.

When Dr. Markway and Luke arrive the 4 agree stay there to experience the ghostly atmosphere. Of course, Luke believes in none of it BUT he mixes a great martini. There are scenes that introduce the ghosts but everything is explained away. Then Mrs. Markway shows up and there are some sudden changes.

I suppose "The Haunting" can seem a bit drawn out in some scenes. IMO it's a lively little film that delivers what horror/thriller fans really want, goosebumps and entertainment. If you haven't seen it you must. I don't think I took a breath from the time the movie started 'til it ended.

I had never seen this movie from beginning to end before. I think that's because I wasn't allowed to stay up and watch it. I wonder if that had anything to do with the sexual content and the mid-1960's?
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