A nail-biting experience, leaves you really sick and worried afterward.....
12 July 2007
One of the most renowned horror movies ever to be made, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre will give you nightmares for a month, guaranteed! The premise is simple, the story to the point. Five teenagers make their way across Texas one summer day to check on the grave of their grandfather due to recent grave-robbing occurring in the area. Along the way they pick up a hitcher, who, crazed as he is, decides to cut the arm of one of the teens and bails out. Thinking this to be nothing they find themselves now at the abandoned childhood home of their family, which is where the horror begins. Out of gas, alone and scared, Leatherface finally makes his appearance on the one lone surviving hapless heroine. The chase which ensues is awesome, scary and pulse-pounding all the way to its climax.

Given the simplicity of the budget the writers and director decided to instead focus on tension, suspense and visuals to aid in frightening the audience. Watching it now I can honestly say its one of the best movies ever made, and as such deserves to be a cult classic as long as movies play a part of our lives.

From start to finish I was gripping my seat, near misses and everything else you could want in a horror film, and not that bad of a story line either.

10 out of 10.
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